Hello all! It's been a while, but I'm finally out of school and I can now call myself a senior! Yippee! I couldn't be any happier.
To start off my summer, I got to travel with my immediate family to Florida (Disneyworld and Universal Studios). I love amusement parks, especially the Disney parks. It was so fun to get to be around my nieces and nephews and getting to see their happy, smiling faces at the parks. Along with Disneyworld I mentioned we got to go to Universal Studios. We spent a day there and that's where The Wonderful Wizarding World of Harry Potter is located along with a variety of crazy fast roller coasters, my favorite. It was neat getting to go there! I was little disappointed by the size of Harry Potter World, but it was still very creative and it felt like I was right in the movie. Ah I loved that trip and I wish I could just go back and have that trip all over again. I love Florida and the warm, humid weather there. I've decided that if ever given the opportunity, I would love to live in the south some day. Call me crazy, but I love warm weather and I'm tired of living in the Northwest!
Now that I'm back from my trip it feels so nice to be able to relax with little summer homework. Now all that I have to think about is college and preparing for that this summer and I need to work on getting my license! Otherwise, I'm just going to sit back, relax and do whatever I wasn't able to do during the school year. :) I'm considering watching a lot of Netflix that's for sure, mainly because it has a lot of tv shows and a few movies I love. Lately I've been really into watching The Twilight Zone, Parks & Rec, and I might start watching LOST all over again (I miss that show!)
Anyways, that's all I have for now. I'll post a few pictures from my trip below!
Lots of love,
Kellyn xoxo
Me with my nephew, Caiden, dressed up as a pretty convincing pirate. :)
The Fam!
Me with my brother, my nephew, Caiden, and the train conductor in Harry Potter World!
Cinderella Castle in Magic Kingdom
Goofing off with my nephews, Caiden (left) and Caleb (right). I love being an Aunt!
My adorable niece, Lillian!
My nieces, Ava and Neno (Eleanor) being just plain adorable.
My sister, Kristen,and I being silly sisters. :)
My brother, Adam, and I...we're weird, especially him. :)